Poor dental hygiene, poor nutrition, dental diseases, and injuries are some of the factors that cause tooth loss. Tooth loss can be prevented if the cause is poor dental hygiene, nutrition, and diseases.
Today people have become very busy — too busy to perform the vital task of incorporating dental visits into their schedules. Dental visits have proven to contribute to the prevention of tooth loss.
It is during dental visits that your dentist is able to identify both current and potential problems in their early stages. When the problem is seen early it can be managed before that small problem becomes bigger, causing severe damage, which can eventually result in tooth loss or worse.
You might be wondering, what happens if I lose a tooth? It can happen due to neglect and it can happen due to a dental emergency, but losing a tooth doesn’t have to be the end of the world. There is a solution.
A dental implant is the right treatment for tooth loss in this day But before this treatment came to be, dentists used bridges and dentures as their only form of treatment, neither of which were able to simulate a real tooth and tooth root.
With the arrival of dental implants treatment of teeth rose to the next level, providing successful treatment that mimics closely your natural tooth.
What is a dental implant?
It is better to understand what a dental implant is to clearly understand the procedure. A dental implant is a replacement tooth root and crown (usually porcelain) that offers support to the permanently or temporarily fixed tooth.
Dental implants have evolved in the past years to provide the best and most comfortable treatment that is compatible with the gums and the jawbone structure. Titanium and zirconia are the best materials used for making dental implants. The two materials have proven to be very friendly to the bones and gums and biocompatible.
What happens during the dental implant procedure?
As soon as you enter the dental clinic, the first thing we’ll do at First Dental is observing your dental formula and prepare a custom treatment plan. Everyone has a different dental structure, and it is essential for the dentist to design a treatment that suits you best.
Next, the dentist fuses the root implant with the jaw bone. The dental surgeon will make a cut to access the jaw bone which he/she drills holes that will be used to attach the root implant using screws.
The dentist allows for the implant to osseointegrate with the jaw bone. Osseointegration is the process of the jaw bone growing and attaching itself to the root implant. It may take from weeks to months for the process to complete, but once it is your implant will be fully secure.
After the bone has attached itself to the root implant, another surgery is done to connect the abutment. In some cases, the dental surgeon installs both the root and abutment during the first restoration surgery. But, due to aesthetic reasons, many people prefer the abutment installed to be later.
Contact an Experienced Dental Implant Specialist Today
The procedure might seem easy, but it takes years of experience to perfect the skills and avoid damage to vital tissues in the gum. That’s what we offer our patients at First Dental — expertise and compassionate care. If you wish to have a dental implant or any other dental procedure done, contact First Dental to schedule your consultation today. For the best long-term solutions for your smile, let our oral health experts take care of your teeth. Call us today at (617) 623-8489 for more information.